Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Cell Phones and smartwatches may not be used or visible during the course of the regular school day. Pictures may not be taken with cell phones on the school bus, at school or at school related functions, including field trips. Children may use or listen to electronic devices at the bus stop, such as I-pods, Electronic Games, etc. on the school bus itself both on the way to and from school. Once a child has left the school bus to enter the school, ALL DEVICES MUST BE TURNED OFF AND STORED IN THE CHILD’S BACKPACK UNTIL THE END OF THE SCHOOL DAY. The devices may not be taken out or turned on until the child has re-entered the bus for the trip home. Any device, such as a cell phone, left on during the day or taken out of the locker will be confiscated and will not be returned to the child until a parent comes to school to claim the item. Please note that the school will incur no liability, financial or otherwise, should any electronic device be lost or damaged on the way to school, at school, on the way home from school or at any school-related function.
Cell phones or smartwatches may NOT be brought on field trips or other related school activities