Absence Line - 609-738-6302
In order for the Board of Education to fulfill its responsibility for providing a thorough and efficient education for each pupil, the complete cooperation of parents/guardians and pupils is required to maintain a high level of school attendance.
The frequent absence of pupils from classroom learning experiences disrupts the continuity of the instructional process and limits the ability of pupils to complete the prescribed curriculum requirements successfully.
Attendance Matters at Endeavour Elementary School! Our goal is to be proactive in building the important habit of good attendance.
Attending school every day, on time, allows children to build a strong academic foundation and develop positive relations with peers. Poor attendance habits in elementary school may have a lifelong effect on children. In fact, chronic absence is the strongest predictor of dropping out before graduation. Research shows that school success goes hand in hand with consistent attendance.
Attending school regularly and on time helps children feel better about school and themselves as well as builds habits that lead to success.
- Set a regular bedtime and a morning routine.
- Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
- Introduce your child to the teachers and classroom before the first day to help them transition.
- Have positive conversations about the school and your child’s classroom to help foster excitement to attend school.
- Avoid medical appointments and extended trips while school is in session.
Excessive absences and tardiness will result in contact via a letter, phone call, and/or meetings with the school counselor, principal, classroom teacher, and possibly the I&RS team. This is aligned with Board Policy 5200 - Attendance.
According to the New Jersey Department of Education, the following instances are the only absences that are considered excused absences:
- Religious observance (N.J.A.C. 6A:32-8.3(h)
- State Designated “Take Our Children to Work Day”
- Participation in observance of Veterans Day (N.J.S.A. 18A: 36-13.2) or district board of election membership activities (N.J.S.A. 18A: 36-33)
- The closure of a busing district that prevents a student from having transportation to the receiving school
*Doctors appointments are not considered excused absences, however, providing a doctor’s note is recommended as it helps keep us informed.
Reporting Absences
Parents/guardians are required to telephone the school to report the reason for the child's absence from school. It is essential that the school is notified whenever a child is absent. To report an absence, please call the absence line at 609-738-6302 prior to 8:00 a.m.